Armed with a wide array of weapons and accompanied by fellow soldier Spider (and Hot Scientist Dr. In the grim future of 2007, American cyber-soldier Sergeant Rex 'Power' Colt (voiced by Michael ' Kyle Reese' Biehn) travels to a remote island to destroy a rogue robot army led by his former mentor, Sloan. The expansion game serves up a love letter to '80s action movies (and video games of roughly the same era) - it takes place on a bizarre, neon-colored island crawling with killer robot soldiers and robot animals, and it features a musical score filled with cheesy synthesizer music. It is a stand-alone expansion of Far Cry 3 you don't have to own Far Cry 3 to play Blood Dragon, but having played Far Cry 3 may help you get used to Blood Dragon's controls.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is a 2013 First-Person Shooter developed by Ubisoft Montreal and released for digital download on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows.