So cross your fingers and you might see an experimental Nazi plane down the road. There are plenty of options for future planes too, as the team has a wealth of historical choices for these battles. The team promises to add more nations and maps after launch as well, so don't count out tinier nations. You can fly for one of the great powers of the time, including England, Russia, and the USA. If your wings get riddled with bullets, for example, you'll find it harder to steer, and your plane will start to list to the side. You'll have to watch out as you take damage because you won't just see a hit point bar go down. You can even take over (or destroy) the enemy base to help propel your side to victory. While most of your targets will be in the air with you, don't discount the ground tanks, vehicles, and AA batteries are all ripe for attacking. Instead, all pilots will begin their short (about five minutes) matches in the sky pointed directly at the enemy. As the emphasis of World of Warplanes is on the rumble in the blue yonder, players won't be dealing with mundane aspects like taking off, landing, or drink service.